The Grundfos circulator pumps, Series UP, are specifically designed for heating systems. The pumps are also suitable for circulation of hot domestic water and for circulation of liquid in cooling and air-conditioning systems. The updated UP15 timer products now include a digital timer. The digital timer is easily programmable with battery backup offering more flexibility and reliability.
Heating systems
Common uses:
- Boiler/hydronic heating
- Ground-source heat pumps
- Radiant floor heating
- Hydronic and fan-coil heating
- Solar heating
- Heat recovery/heat pumps
Pump types with cast iron pump housing are generally used for these applications, considered to be closed
systems, for pumping water or water/glycol mixtures. However, when water conditions are not compatible
with cast iron, we recommend the use of bronze or stainless steel.
Optional variable-speed and mixing-reset controls are available to customize heat output vs heat demand for
increased comfort.
Domestic hot-water systems:
Common uses:
- Solar water heating
- Hot-water recirculation
- Domestic hot-water heating.
Pump types with bronze, brass or stainless steel pump housing are used for these applications, considered to be open systems, for pumping potable water.
Optional timer and thermostat controls are available to limit pump operation to periods when hot water is required and to save energy.
Cooling systems:
Common uses:
Pump types UP(S) 25, 26, 43, 50 and pump housings compatible with the pumped liquids are recommended for chilled water due to their motor construction, which is suitable for 32 °F (0 °C) water.
Characterized by:
- Ceramic shaft and radial bearings
- Carbon thrust bearing
- Stainless steel rotor can and bearing plate
- Impeller of corrosion-resistant material
- Pump housing of cast iron, bronze or stainless steel.
- Connection: 1/2" Sweat
The UP pumps are of the canned rotor type, i.e. pump and motor form an integral unit without shaft seal and with only two gaskets for sealing. The bearings are lubricated by the pumped liquid.