Sioux Chief 558 series PipeEye metal stud insulators shall be used where
necessary to insulate CTS copper, PEX or CPVC piping in residential or commercial
applications. Use on metal studs or galvanized metal brackets when 111/32
diameter hole is made. Optional colored grommets are available for easily
identifying hot and cold water supply lines.
After tubing passes through the hole in stud or bracket, position insert around
tubing and push insert through the hole until the tabs click and lock into place.
Offset tubing hole in grommet allows for adjustable positioning.
- Fits 1 11/32" holes in metal studs or brackets
- Split design. Offset hole for adjustable tube position
- Reduces noise caused by expansion and contraction
- Flame retardant models meet UL94 V 2 flame rating
- PlenumSafe models meet ASTM E84 25/50 Flame/Smoke Spread and UL94 V-0 flame rating
- Compatible with copper, PEX and CPVC